New paper accepted and presented at...

At the IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications - IEEE EDGE 2024 held in Shenzhen, China from 7 to 13 July 2024, the paper "QEdgeProxy: QoS-Aware Load Balancing for IoT Services in the Computing Continuum" by Ivan Čilić, Valentin Jukanović, Ivana Podnar Žarko, Pantelis Frangoudis, and Schahram Dustdar was presented. The paper was accepted after an international review and presented remotely by Ivan Čilić.

The work results from a collaboration between IoTLab at FER and DSG at TU Wien on orchestration and routing in Computing Continuum (CC). The paper introduces QEdgeProxy, an adaptive and QoS-aware load-balancing framework specifically designed for routing client requests to appropriate IoT service instances in the CC. QEdgeProxy integrates naturally within Kubernetes, adapts to changes in dynamic environments, and manages to seamlessly deliver data to IoT service instances while consistently meeting QoS requirements and effectively distributing load across them. 

Author: Ivan Čilić
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