Call for participation

Dates: September 16-20, 2024 

Venue: Dubrovnik, Croatia - University of Zagreb - Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS)



The Horizon Europe twinning project AIoTwin is organising its second summer school on the intersection of Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the enchanting city of Dubrovnik, Croatia

The event will be organized in collaboration with the EU funded SmartEdge project. The summer school program includes invited talks, technical tutorials, hands-on sessions with advanced hardware, and other insightful presentations and discussions. In addition, the program includes a technical workshop on “Edge AI meets Swarm Intelligence“, featuring insightful presentations and discussions on cutting-edge research.

The call for papers for the technical workshop on “Edge AI meets Swarm Intelligence“ is open by June 15th, 2024.

Join us to be part of a transformative learning journey shaping the future of AIoT and Edge AI.


Participants will learn about new research directions at the intersection of IoT and AI in a series of lectures by international experts.

  • Meet and interact with world-class scientists from leading EU institutions working in the field of AIoT; 

  • Be inspired by cutting-edge technology in the field of AIoT; 

  • Network with peers working in this field, build your skills for a successful research career and make contacts for possible future research collaborations; 


The event programme of the AIoTwin Summer School is available here

The SmartEdge Summer School is taking place on September 19th and 20th 2024, full programme is available here. A separate registration is required to attend, more information is available on the SmartEdge project website.


The 2ndt AIoTwin Summer School will take place at the Centre for Advanced Academic Studies (CAAS) of the University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Participation is free of charge. Participants bear their own travel and accommodation costs. 

Registration is possible through the form available here.

Registration deadline: September 6, 2024